Probiotics and
Immune Enhancement

Probiotics and Immune Enhancement

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23 July 2023

Author Asst.Prof. Sayamon Sukkha
English translation by Puchita Chokcharoenying

The Immune System Defending the Body.

The immune system of the human body acts as a personal soldier, defending the body against foreign substances and infections. This soldier is composed of organs, cells, and proteins which collaborate together to ensure that the immune system functions properly. If the immune system is malfunctioning, it may trigger allergic responses, make the body sick more frequently, and is linked to immunological-related disorders and numerous types of inflammation. immune enhancement. immunity.

Gastrointestinal Immune System

Digestive organs are an essential component of the body’s immune system since they serve as the main home for white blood cells and produce compounds to defend the body when it is stimulated by foreign substances or infections, as well as protect the body when it is inflamed. Furthermore, the gastrointestinal tract contains good microorganisms that improve the immune system’s functioning, and these good microbes will serve as a source of food for the body, such as short-chain fatty acids, vitamins, and many essential amino acids that play a role in degrading proteins or sugars that normally cannot be digested in the intestines. In addition, these healthy microbes help balance the environment in the gastrointestinal tract so that it can operate normally, which aids in the prevention of disease or symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract that may develop regularly, such as gas in the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and so on. immune enhancement. immunity.

Beyond that, the gastrointestinal tract contains naturally occurring probiotic bacteria that help healthy microbes in strengthening immune system function and preventing harmful microbes from entering the gastrointestinal tract. The majority of naturally occurring probiotic bacteria are gram-positive, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which have been proven to be beneficial in boosting the body’s immunity.

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How do probiotics boost immunity?

Solve the facts Explain how probiotics work

White blood cells

Produce compounds to defend the body when it is stimulated by foreign substances or infections.


• Improve the immune system’s functioning
• Serve as a source of food for the body
• Preventing harmful microbes from entering the gastrointestinal tract
• Help balance the environment in the gastrointestinal tract so that it can operate normally

Probiotic improve the immune system’s functioning, which support White blood cells to defend the body better

Probiotic products and the impact on strengthening the immune system

“ Probiotics are live microbial products that are helpful to the body when consumed in suitable amount. “

There are many different types of probiotic supplements available nowadays, with the difference between them being determined by the type of microbial strain and the amount of each microbial strain. This differentiation is significant as particular species of probiotics have distinct advantages in enhancing the immune system or treating various illnesses. Further, it is crucial to consume the exact recommended amount of probiotics, neither too much nor too little.

Probiotic microorganisms are identified by their genus, species, and specific strain name, like Bifidobacterium Lactis HN019, where Bifidobacterium is the genus, Lactis is the species, and HN019 is the precise strain.







“ Probiotic products are capable of enhancing the immune system in several ways, unlike natural probiotic bacteria that mainly impact the gastrointestinal tract. “

Currently, research is being conducted on the advantages of probiotic products in illnesses associated with the immune system and different forms of inflammation such as allergies, diarrhea, chronic enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, infections, as well as the use of probiotic products to restore healthy microbes in cases where patients receive broad-spectrum disinfectants that destroy the good microorganisms endemic in their intestines. Hence, it can be concluded that probiotic products are crucial in improving the body’s immunity.

Criteria for consideration of probiotic products

  • Each kind of probiotic product consists of different types of strains and amount of microorganisms; the benefits of probiotic products are specific to each microbial strain. Therefore, both the strain and the inoculum amount must follow the guidelines established through clinical study recommendations.
  • Apart from ensuring that probiotic products have identified microorganism strains, consumers must also confirm that the number of bacteria is present in CFU (colony-forming units) to determine the suitable amount of live microorganisms instead of the total weight of microorganisms in the product.
  • Furthermore, the probiotic product must display a distinct expiry date and provide instructions on suitable storage methods, as some products require refrigeration while others can be kept at room temperature.
  • Additionally, the product must accurately disclose any ingredients present besides the microorganisms to help consumers avoid allergic reactions to specific components in the product.
  • And since probiotics are present in several foods that people are accustomed to consuming, probiotic products typically have minimal side effects in healthy individuals. Usually, some individuals may experience gas in their gastrointestinal tract after using probiotics.
  • However, caution must be exercised while using probiotics in patients with weakened immunity or severe medical conditions. It is crucial to follow the dosage instructions provided by a doctor or pharmacist since probiotic microorganisms can be harmful to individuals with compromised immune systems.


Based on current research, probiotic products play a significant role in boosting the immune system, balancing intestinal function, enhancing the activity of the healthy microbes, and preventing the growth of harmful microorganisms, whereby the benefits of using probiotic products depend on the type of microbial strains that have been supported by scientific studies and the suitable amount of microorganisms for each particular condition.


  1. Mazziotta C, Tognon M, Martini F, Torreggiani E, Rotondo JC. Probiotics mechanism of action on immune cells and beneficial effects on human health. Cells. 2023 Jan 2;12(1):184.
  2. World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO): Global guidelines on probiotics and prebiotics. February, 2017.
  3. National Institutes of Health. Probiotics fact sheet for consumers. [cited March 30, 2023]. Available from:

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