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Zenbio scientists answer some of the faq questions about probiotics faq, prebiotics faq, fermented foods, and synbiotics faq that are frequently asked by consumers. The answers below are provided by the Zenbio science translation committee. Where possible, links are provided for further reading of scientifically-reliable information. Probiotic FAQ - reliable scientific answer update 2023

A: Probiotics are live microorganisms, when adequately consumed or applied to the body, are intended to provide health benefits. Even though people usually think of bacteria or microorganisms as harmful “germs”, they actually have benefits such as aiding in digestion, destroying disease-causing cells, or producing vitamins. Hence, the variety of live microorganisms in probiotic products is similar to the microorganisms in our bodies. 

live microorganisms can be found dairy foods such as yogurt and kefir have the most live microorganisms and other fermented foods such as cheese, fermented sausage, fermented vegetables, soy-fermented foods, and fermented cereal products or leading probiotics supplement. Find more information in Healthcare Professional Article “Get to know Probiotics the Helpful Microbes”   [ref]

A: Prebiotics are special plant fibers that help healthy bacteria grow in your gut. This makes your digestive system work better. Prebiotics are a source of food for your gut’s healthy bacteria. You’ll find prebiotics in many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

A: Synbiotics are combinations of probiotics and prebiotics that are designed for work together (synergistically). By using the prebiotics to help the probiotics survive in your intestines and grow numbers of selected probiotics strains. This could help probiotics perform health benefits more effectively.

A: There is research on probiotics from many reliable institutions. It states that there are various health benefits depending on the species. The benefits are primarily focused on the gastrointestinal and body’s immune system. There are also benefits in other parts, such as adjusting mood and stress, contributing to sleep, weight control, adjusting the skin condition of the body to be healthy, cavities teeth, gum disease, and many others, which researchers are doing more research to confirm the benefits.

A: There are recent studies that prove that higher amounts of probiotics you take don’t relate to effectiveness and also fewer amounts will not affect health at all. In conclusion, If you want to solve specific health needs it depends on the specific strain of probiotics and the appropriate quantity proved through clinical research.

A: According to many researches and discussion, probiotic product single or multi-strain none is better. The value depends on whether the included probiotic strain or strains have been shown —through clinical research — to prove a benefit.

A: Probiotics can promote human health by inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria and can stimulate the immune cells associated and activate mainly the innate response. Find more information in Healthcare Professional Article “Probiotics and Immune Enhancement

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