Get to know Probiotics
the Helpful Microbes

Get to know Probiotics the Helpful Microbes

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18 July 2023

by Asst.Prof. Sayamon Sukkha
English translation by Puchita Chokcharoenying

What are Probiotics
and their importance?

Probiotics are healthy living microorganisms or bacteria that are useful to the body when consumed in the proper dosage. They usually can be found in natural products like yogurt, fermented meals, and dietary supplements. Normally, the bad living microbes and the healthy living microbes will coexist in our bodies where the bad microbes will function as disease-causing microorganisms, and the healthy microbes will settle in our body as endemic microbes to support the body’s immune system to function normally. Since the gastrointestinal tract is usually home to the endemic microbes, these beneficial live microbes are thus essential for maintaining the digestive system’s health and regulating the gastrointestinal tract’s balance.

Get to know Probiotics the Helpful Microbes

Choose the right species and quantity for the right results

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Know the strains of Probiotics.

The species and genus should be clearly identified on the products including the scientific name. The benefits of probiotics vary by strain. Therefore, when choosing a probiotic product, you should pay attention to the strain of Probiotics. Select the specific strain that solve the specific health problems.

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Boost Immunity and Balance Gastrointestinal


Appropriate quantity

The appropriate number of probiotic must not be too much or not too little. It should be pointed out that no strain should be consumed in quantities that pose a risk of toxicity when ingested.

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Prove Efficacy


Probiotics must be studied to prove efficacy

A quality Probiotics strain should be studied to prove the efficacy and safety of health benefits from clinical studies.

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When applying Probiotics into the body

will support the body’s healthy living microorganisms, boost the immune system, and balance the gastrointestinal tract to stop the growth of pathogenic microbes.

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Probiotics and digestive system

70% of Microorganisms are in your gut and gastrointestinal tract.*
80% of the body immunity system are from gastrointestinal**
Probiotics are good microorganisms that stimulate the body’s immune system.

Reference Source:
[1] Luke K Ursell et al. Defining the Human Microbiome. Nutr Rev. 2012 Aug; 70(Suppl 1): S38–S44. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2012.00493.x
[2] Selma P Wiertsema et al. The Interplay between the Gut Microbiome and the Immune System. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Mar 9;13(3):886. doi: 10.3390/nu13030886.

If your gastrointestinal healthy, it’s will strengthen the immune system and body.

Plus, when ingested, probiotics will support the body’s healthy living microorganisms, boost the immune system, and balance the gastrointestinal tract to stop the growth of pathogenic microbes. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the probiotic strains that have been studied most frequently in clinical studies.

Certain types of yeast, however, can also be utilized as probiotics. According to the WGO Global guideline probiotics and prebiotics, the paper also discusses the clinical investigations on the use of probiotics for treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such acute diarrhea, constipation, diarrhea brought on by Clostridium difficile, as well as its role in treating various illnesses and boosting immunity.

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Strain and a of suitable number Probiotics

Despite the fact that many microorganisms are probiotics, different kinds of microorganisms possess distinct properties. The efficiency and therapeutic benefits vary depending on the strain of the microbes. Likewise, the efficacy and safety data from clinical studies is also unique to each microorganism strain.

“ As a result, while selecting probiotic products, it is essential to consider the type of microorganisms that will provide the health benefits needed "

such as Lactobacillus acidophilus or probiotics with NCFM strains where its role in lowering the chance of fever, cough, and runny nose, minimizing antibiotic use, as well as treating constipation and diarrhea caused by antibiotic use (antibiotic-associated diarrhea) has been validated by scientific researches.

Each strain of microorganism and each form of one probiotic product will have a different optimal quantity (not too much and not too little) of probiotic cultures. Currently, the range of probiotics on the market is reported to be 1 to 10 billion (CFU or Colony-Forming Unit) CFU/dose per serving. It was discovered that certain microbes could yield the desired results with only a small number of them present, whereas other microbes needed a huge number of them to produce the same result. However, when taking into consideration, it should be pointed out that no strain should be consumed in quantities that pose a risk of toxicity when ingested.

What are Prebiotics and Synbiotics?


Prebiotics are distinct from probiotics as they are portions of food that the body has not yet digested but which later serve as food sources for the probiotics. When taken together, the two will support immune system development and digestive system balance. Prebiotics are frequently found in sugary foods like biscuits, cereals, chocolate, and dairy products, which contain polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. Some sample substances that are classified as prebiotic products are such as oligofructose, inulin, galacto-oligosaccharide, lactulose, and etc.


Synbiotics are components of the probiotic and prebiotics products,
making them possess combined advantages of the two categories.

Now, if someone wants to buy probiotics, What should they keep in mind before doing so?

Many of you may want to look for probiotics to support the good living bacteria in the body. And, as there are many types of probiotic products available in the market, here are some points that should be considered before making a decision to buy probiotic Product:

  1. The species and genus should be clearly identified on the products. For instance, Bifidobacterium (genus), animalis (species), lactis (subspecies). If precise species labels are given, such as Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis HN019 (B.Lactis HN019), then it can be affirmed that the benefits of the probiotics unique to that strain can be determined by clinical studies evidence.
  2. The probiotics contained in the product must be alive and each type of probiotics in the product should be clearly specified in terms of quantity together with the product’s expiration date.

  3. Preservation technique.

  4. Safety information, side effects, and individuals who should not take the product.
  5. The suggested dosage depends on the desired therapeutic effects.
  6. Product’s certification or registration details.
  7. Information on the manufacturer or distributor’s contact.


Thus, in order for customers to utilize probiotics efficiently and securely, the product information provided by the company should be thoroughly studied before making a Purchase.


  1. World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO): Global guidelines on probiotics and prebiotics. February, 2017.
  2. Hawrelak JA. Probiotics: choosing the right one for your needs. Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society. 2003;9(2):67-75.
  3. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Probiotics: what you need to know. [cited March 27, 2023]. Available from:

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